To cancel one or more of your phone numbers in the Fractel Dashboard, select Fone Numbers from the Resources Menu in the Menu Bar.

Cancelling a phone number

Find the number you wish to cancel on the Fone Numbers page. And click on the red Trash can icon at the end of the line to cancel the phone number.  

    Note: There will be a popup message to confirm disconnecting the phone number.   Click the Disconnect button to cancel     the phone number or Cancel button if you made a mistake.


                Disconnected FoneNumbers can be re-activated for 30 days after disconnect. After 30 days they will be                                     permanently disconnected.


Cancelling multiple phone numbers


Select the checkboxes next to the phone numbers you wish to cancel   click on the Red Trash can icon at the top of the phone numbers page, a popup message will ask you to confirm disconnecting the numbers. Click the Disconnect button to cancel the phone numbers or Cancel button if you made a mistake.