Dashboard - Order new phone numbers


To order a new phone number in the Fractel Dashboard, select Fone Numbers from the Resources Menu in the Menu Bar.  Click the Green Plus icon to add a new phone number. Select Order New Telephone number to start the process and configure the number search options.

Select the FoneNumber Type from the drop-down menu.  Your options are Local or Toll Free

Local phone numbers

Once you select Local FoneNumber Type, the fields on the page update for Local Options

State – Choose the State from the Drop-down menu options.

Area code – Select the Local Area code for your phone number.

Include overlay area codes- Select yes or no from the drop down.   If your search result finds no phone number available in your area code, enable this and search again.

Note: What is an Area Code Overlay? An overlay is the addition of another area code (728) to the same geographic region as an existing area code (561). The overlay does not require you to change your existing area code or phone number, or how you dial your calls.

Maximum Fone Numbers – this allows you to speed up your search by reducing the quantity to search for.

Search Option - for filtering the results, choices are None, Starts With, Contains, Ends With

Search Pattern – allows you to enter a sequence of numbers if you are looking for a specific pattern.


Toll Free Numbers

TollFree Code – Select the Toll-free prefix from the drop-down menu, choose All to search for all prefixes.

Maximum Fone Numbers – this allows you to speed up your search by reducing the quantity to search for.

Search Option - for filtering the results, choices are None, Starts With, Contains, Ends With

Search Pattern – allows you to enter a sequence of numbers if you are looking for a specific pattern.


Once you have configured the search options click the Search Button.   You can select the numbers you wish to order by clicking the checkboxes next to the phone number and pressing the Order Button.   


Note: There will be a popup asking if you want to enable inbound messaging on the phone numbers you are ordering. 

           If you chose to not enable messaging, you will be able to enable the service later.


Do you want to enable messaging on these FoneNumbers?

 I authorize FracTEL, LLC to act as my agent and affiliates' agent to text enable (“Provision”) non-wireless telephone numbers owned and referenced herein for the management of text messaging (SMS, MMS) and related services (the “Services”) through the FracTEL, LLC network. I represent and warrant that I have authority to use and manage the telephone number(s) in connection with the Services without the consent of any third party. In no event shall FracTEL, LLC or its service providers be liable in any way for claims arising from or relating to a breach of any representation or warranty hereunder. Text enabling will require additional steps due to government requirements, your FoneNumber may not work for texting immediately. Please contact support@fractel.net for more information.



After answering the messaging popup, your numbers will be ordered and the system will list the number and the order status.